

Quarter 4 has finally ended, and a sign of it was this reflection. It was a mixed bag of emotions, as quarter 4 was a roller coaster for me. It was a Chill ride at first, but it became faster as the time went by. It may not have been the best quarter, but overall, it was the most memorable out of all the rest.

Ive learned a lot this quarter, and I've implemented it into my new, core-valued life. I will love to learn more; with this, I will grow better and finer as a person day by day. It was fun to do cabling. Me and Hanna are the first ones to finish and light it all up in one try. At first, we are hesitant, as ours may not light a single light; however, expect the unexpected, as they said. In one try, we made it light up. That was the best core memory I had with Hanna, Ma’am, and the subject of ICT.


It was the best school year ever. The best quarters I had. The best friends I met. The best teachers I loved. Most importantly, the best lessons I learned. In ICT, I had fun talking to Ma’am, learning from her, and bonding with her. May she find her greatest desires in life. I'll miss you, Ma'am, and your aircon as well.

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