Glimpse of Suffering

Reminiscing about the past makes me feel strong, powerful and fulfilled. These past two years were so hard that I couldn’t believe I made it through. I passed, and I'm now a Grade 10 student, making a blog about what I have gone through. Writing this makes me realize that no matter how hard life is, I just keep on going. Making this blog makes me stop and wonder the changes around me. I’m so far from who I was before. I have changed and grown up already.

A break that we deserved, 2 weeks of rest, made us, the students, very happy and thankful. But we didn’t expect that the 2 weeks would turn into a month, into 2 months, into a year, and now 2 years of being trapped at home. We started and finished 2 school years without even going to school; no physical chit-chatting with classmates; no laughter; and without any help from parents or teachers. Two school years filled with complaints, anger, frustrations, self-teaching, and sleepless nights. We cry but never give up. We complain but still answer and submit on time. Answering these modules makes me want to give up on life, but look at me now, still kicking. Well, I'm not that happy, but I'm happy that I got through those years. I made it through grade 8 and grade 9 with me, myself and I, together with my friends. Thanks to them, I'm still here, fighting against the strong winds and waves of life.

Eyebags under my eyes, pimples around my face, tangled strandsw of hair, all for a number, a number that is very high and very well deserved. Chores, modules, maturing, lack of sleep, self-taught modules, are all problems that I go through. Even though it's hard, it's very satisfying to say that I managed to make it through. With these 2 years of experience, I became the best version of myself. This is my story to share, but others to inspire.


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