The Earth needs help

I believe in the saying “if you want to change the world, start with yourself” by Mahatma Ghandi. With this quote, I started from the basic, which is our home. I consider our home as myself in this thematic output. We can’t change the world if we can’t start cleaning our home.

First picture, it shows me planting a mango tree. 

Second picture shows me watering the mango tree after hours of being planted. 

Third picture, me and my other siblings are swifting and cleaning our small yard. 

Fourth picture shows a picture of me putting our collected garbage to the trash area. 

Fifth image shows me watering our plants that sorrounds our small house. 

After I’m done from cleaning our outside part of the house, I started cleaning inside part of our house.

An Image of me fixing and dusting our cabinet.

An illustration of me sweeping the dusts and trashes inside our home.

Watering the inside plants is the next picture.

After all of the home chores that are related to making our environment clean and green, I start to do my simple ways in alerting and putting knowledge to everyone.

I used my Facebook account to share information and learning in helping our mother earth, so here’s me taking an action by sharing information.

After the sharing of information online, I started doing it myself. First I remove the unused electrical object to save energy and to help our environment as well.

Making our plastic milktea cup into something new to reduce waste, to reuse garbage and to recycle special wastes.

A picture of me taking a stroll using our bike, a good exercise for the body and a no pollution solution.

The next day, me and my family relatives, cleaned a wider space. We cleaned our neighboring house’s yard.

We also cleaned beside the river that are near to our house.

And lastly, we again planted a new seeds or string beans as a symbol of new life and a new beginning to a healthier environment.

With this photo sharing, I hope it did not only entertain everyone but also learn something about ways and steps in making our environment clean. I hope you learn something about my routine and my ways as well whereas I hope you would also consider into using and making your home as healthy as you want to. If you won’t start today, then when?.

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