Wrapped Warmth Womb

Waiting patienlty,
Love potentially.
He sees,
He glazed.
By her gaze.

From time,
To dine.
With time,
And dime.
She became,
His best prime.

They molded and molded,
Till she is molded.
Time tickled,
Her belly buffled.
Every dust,
Time past.

Every bear,
She wear.
She shouted,
She screams.
Its all worth,
the pain endured.

Soaked with blood,
Soaked with sweat.
She came,
She changed.
From lady,
To mommy.

She grows,
And blows.
Every candle,
Every cake.
Time came,
And I was made.

In a wake,
They Make.
In a wake of time,
After I was made,
She came.

Children of three,
Made thee,
A mother of three,
In our Family Tree.

Wind blew,
She flew.
From summer,
To winter.
One Country,
To another.

As we grew,
Thee gets older.
Distance may conquer,
But my love for you,
My dear mother,
Would never alter.

Happy Mother’s Day Mama!

Mother's Day is a holiday commemorating moms, whether they are biological or adopted, as well as maternity, maternal ties, and the impact women have on society. It is observed on various dates around the world, most frequently in the months of March or May. It goes well with comparable family-focused holidays like Father's Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents' Day.

Despite a 1998 presidential decree moving Father's Day and Mother's Day to the first Monday of December, the majority of Filipinos commemorate them on the second Sunday of May. It is not a recognized holiday.

In the Philippines, Mother's Day is somewhat of a huge deal. This is largely because moms occupy a significant position in Filipino culture. Mum is referred to as the "ilaw ng tahanan" or "the light of the home" because of the love, joy, and brightness she offers to the family.

On Mother's Day in the Philippines, common ways to show your mother she is loved and appreciated include bringing her breakfast in bed, taking her out to lunch or dinner, giving her a card or gift, calling her up especially to let her know how much you miss and love her, and simply showing up at the family Mother's Day celebration to spend time with her.





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