Uncomfortable to Success.

You can’t share laughter,
If you don’t know laughter. 
Laughter starts with in you,
If you can laugh, then so others will. 

If we don’t know how to laugh, then how would we make others laugh? If we don’t know how to giggle or break a joke. How come we know how to make others laugh, giggle, and chuckle? If we want to make other people laugh, then we should learn to change. By changing, improving, and doing better, we can learn to laugh, which is what we want. Change is the first step toward every goal, no matter where you are right now. This first step is the best step that you ever took, thinking of the fear, the uncomfortableness, and how scary it was. After the big first step, think about the second one until the goal is achieved. It is where we now know how to laugh, giggle, and chuckle. Cracking jokes to anyone and making laughter anywhere in the air that we breathe in.

You can’t share happiness,
If you lacks happiness.
Happiness with in you,
Can make others happy because of you. 

Happiness plays a big role in everybody’s life. Without happiness, life is unbalanced. Most people, especially teenagers, are sad, and happiness is far from their own perspective. Wanting them to be happy means knowing and making yourself happy. How can you make them happy if you don't even know what makes you happy? To learn means "to change. Changing is a big step that starts a journey to bettering oneself. Learn to be happy in many ways—simple ways and in hard times. Learn from these things. So we can share and make everyone happy.

You can’t share love,
If you don’t know love.
Loving oneself,
Can make love you anybody else. 

To love someone starts with self-love. How can you share something you don't even have? You can't give love to someone if you don't even have love within you. The first step into it may be hard, but it is also a big one that shows change. Learning to love yourself means you are learning the first step to loving others. It takes time, but it will all be worth it. Love is a strong emotion that can be expressed and given away to someone else. If we know love, then we can share it.

Is not easy.

It comes slow,
It comes with risk.
It comes with failures,
It comes with criticism.

With these,
We unlock fears.
One steps further,
Vanished in a blur.

First step,
Hard, creepy.
Comes with vulnerability,
Also, freedom and great opportunities.

A decision,
For transformation.
Hard thing,
Tough thing.

Staying on path,
Efforts on the pot.
Equally tough,
When we think to change all though out.

Change is
It is not
supposed to be.

As uncomfortable
It is.
It is

On changing.
Not ownself,
But everybody else.

Often forgotten,
Not often concerned.
In order to change,
It starts within oneself.

It is where,
It is there.
It is where,
Supposed to stirred.

The world may,
Follow not may.
In our hearts,
We know,
We took.

The leap,
And reached.
Where we,
Where we planned.

To change,
Is natural,
To be afraid,
Is also natural.

defined by the choices,
we make for ourselves.
what we do,
to become a better human beings.

because that is where,
the change really starts. 

Change is difficult. It comes gradually, with risks, setbacks, and criticism. And it is typically the fear of people around us that prevents us from taking the first step toward change. Because it exposes one to danger, the initial step is the most difficult and frightening phase of the process. However, it also opens the door to greater freedom and opportunities. The decision to bring about change is difficult, and sticking on that path through exerting effort is also difficult and vital, but as the saying goes, nothing good ever comes easy.

Every great leader, be it Nelson Mandela, or Princess Diana, or Martin Luther King Jr., or Mother Teresa, when they began their journey towards bringing change, they did not know that they would influence the whole world, they were not sure of their success either, but they did it anyway and it was their consistency and perseverance that brought change on such a large scale

Change is never comfortable; it is not supposed to be. If it was, everybody would do it. But, as uncomfortable as it is, it is also necessary. When we dream of changing the world, we often forget that in order to change the billions out there, we must first change ourselves. That is where it’s supposed to start. We must believe in ourselves. The world may or may not follow but in our hearts, we know we took the leap and made the journey and reached where we planned to. As Miley Cyrus said, it’s the climb that matters.

To change is natural. To be afraid of change is also natural. But what makes us human is doing it anyway. We are members of the human race, and rather than being defined by our ability to change the world, we are defined by the choices that we make for ourselves and what we do to become better human beings, because that is where the change really starts

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