Yin Yang

 It was still vivid to my memories to when the quarter 2 started, and here I am making my reflection for the said quarter. I had a bad score and I didn’t do well with the first quarter exam so improvement is my ultimate goal this second one. Having a bad start as well, makes me want to be better in this subject. Improving my memorization, improving my skills, and improving my talent, for me to be better, better than the previous me. I want to excell in School especially in the subject ICT as I want to be more better student, and have a better grade. But, improvement comes with fun and rest. Moderate fun, moderate rest, and moderate review, equates to better school life. 

As the saying goes, “Live and work but do not forget to have playe, to have fun in life and really enjoy it.”. Enjoy where you are right now, and enjoy where you’ll be at the future. 

In the subject ICT, I had fun, laugh, jokes, and happy moments with Ma’am Evelyn along with my Dear classmates. It was fun to reminisce the past happy moments that I shared with my classmates. In studying, I learned ton of knowledge about coding. It amazes me a lot as it was just words and slashes but it can make a beautiful output. With just one slash, one letter, and 2 brackets, your good to go. You Will have your underline here, italic there and many mor fun stuff that you can just type and make changes with. 

Fun and happiness dont last long, as sometimes sadness and problems appears. With happiness and sadness, life is formed just like the theory behind Yin Yang. Yin is a symbol of earth, femaleness, darkness, passivity, and absorption. It is present in even numbers, in valleys and streams, and is represented by the tiger, the colour orange, and a broken line. Yang is conceived of as heaven, maleness, light, activity, and penetration. Opposite make life. It is not life when you only experience happiness and greatness. 

In this quarter i’ve experience difficulties in typing, or basicly coding. It was hard for me as I have Low skills especially in Technology but it wasnt the end of me, it was just the start of me learning New stuff. It is not scary to learn and fail but it was fun and amazing. 

Moving on in life, I will always carry this great memories that I shared with people,this knowledge that I grasped and learned from everyone especially Ma’am, this challenges that ive faced.I Will bear this in mind and by heart

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