A year to me!

 New Year

Plan your year, and excell it out. Write your goals, and achieve them up. Manifest your long term goals, and step by step, reach it out. New year, Happy Start. Happy 2023!

Everyday was a lazy day, but today was different. As New Year’s Eve was near the way. It is where Midnight is a unique kind of magic where, just for a moment, the past and the future exist at once in the present. Whether we're aware of it or not, as we countdown together to it, we're sharing the burden of our history and committing to the promise of tomorrow. It is also a day full of planning and organizing. A New chapter, New verse, New start, and New life for everyone. It can be the of something or just the same old story, but for me?, I want it to be the start of the bests year I’ll have. 

New year started with a lazy morning. Too lazy to get up, too lazy to eat, too lazy to take a bath and too lazy to do anything. Laying and checking in bed with the cold wind blowing from the fan to my skin. It makes me dont want to do something but also says the otherwise. Too bored to stay at home but too lazy to go out. But as time tickled to 3, I need to get up and fix myself. It comes with a nice bath, nice clothes and nice look. And then we’re ready to go. 

At the church for the New Year’s mass. It was quiet, soothing and calm morning for everyone. No crazy loud songs, no noises just calm ambience. It was nice to be there, to feel God and his words. The Gospel of the day is “ Galatians 5:22–23. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. For some, gentleness can be a tough thing“ which really stfu ka me in the heart and goes inside my soul. It is like an awakening gospel for me as I had a bad start in life this year and previous one. Tough life comes with a strong Soldiers. 

After getting home, settling with a little rest, and full of preparations comes next.  Preparing our house for visitor and relatives. Making them feel at home in every parts and ratios of our house. To make them feel comfortable and at ease. It starts with the sits, putting chairs in a circle way for people to have a better view in front. Putting tables for people to eat and put gifts on. Putting foods that are prepared all through the day, all whole day. Putting things that are needed with the games. Big prizes, small prizes, useful and funny ones are being put in the table. 

Songs with high beats and danceable musics are being played through 4 different speaker as day goes by. Kids are running, jumping, playing and shouting while us teens where just chitchatting while watching them. We help sometime, but just few. 

Spaghetti with delight creamy and delicious sauce, with tasty hotdogs are being cooked. Along with spaghetti, carbonara is also cooked with its unique and creamy sauce. Us teens where Being tasked to make the soft, sweet and yummy graham along with creamy and sweet macaroni. 

Grilling some chicken and bbq pork as it becamed a traditioned to eat during New Year. Making a bowl filled with rice and sorrounded with 12 blue bills, coins and even a fruit in the middle. It is a sign of bountiful financial luck. Elders also ordered food like pichi pichi, empanadita, brownies and Bibingka. It was tiring to prepare but it was  a success, as all food taste good and all of the effort wasnt gone to waste. 

Games, fun and enjoyful games. It is very tiring but also memorable and fun to play with relatives. Like Christmas, we had many games like longest line. We almost won but we are lacked of time as elders have bigger size than ours, but most importantly we got to have fun. Putting straw in the bottle was also played. With this game, we won as we are more capable of running better than elders and kids. 

Bring me shouldn’t be forgotten?, my sisters prepared for it so they won a ton of prices. Longest to say Happy New year, along with singing contest was the one I hate the most, as I dont have an Angelic voice like the others, but it was fun to watch them. Popping balloons, scooping paper Bills and even catching coins was there. 

After games, we eat delicious food prepared by ours and waited for 12:00. 12:00 midnight, the start of 2023. We prepared our torotot and vehicles. 

As 12:00 ticks and ring, 2023 is here, another year to struggle, fight and love. May this 2023 be a great year for all of fun, and me. 

Gift giving is also done after 12:00. I accepted a ton of gifts but I’m more excited on the game. The throwing of coins and scooping money. All of us, specially teens are excited of that games. I used all power of mine that I have to garner as many money as I can.  But having a ton of competitive relatives, it is hard but it was fun. A fun and memorable one. In the end, I garner around 2k, its ok but it was fun. 

New Year is not nothing without our plans, our goals and our priorities. Improving in any way possible, and being better than me, 2022 me is my goals. My New years resolution was to be healthy and be more explortious into this small and beautiful world. 

Plan your year, and excell it out. Write your goals, and achieve them up. Manifest your long terms goals, and step by step, reach it our. New year, Happy Start. Happy 2023

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