The fortune of the fortunate

How can be a children, be a children, when they are forced to be a parent to other children?

Celebrating our National Children’s Month reminds us how secured and safely embedded children are today. But only the fortunate experience the infatuation. Bestowed with money equates to bestowed with the law. The less fortune experience the contradiction of the law. In this cold-blooded cruel world, it is upon us humans to equate this mandated law for everyone to equally access it.

The fortune having laws to fight for their safety. Having  laws to fight for their healthy environment. Having  laws to fight for their good education. Having laws to defend for their cause. These things, these laws made the fortunate life easier and better. How about the less fortune?

Children are free, but never care-free and stress free. Children are filled with pressure, problems and anxieties. Some are facing financial problem. Some are facing physical problem. Some are facing their hardest problem in their life. But with these laws, their problem won't help lift their problem to have a better life. 

Government should do better, must do way better, for the children to have a clearer way in life. The government should be equal, where this problems are being solved, where this children are being cared equally, whether fortunate or less. 

Us children are the future of our nation. We are the hope of every Filipino. Hand in hand, everyone can help each other. You can help me raise awareness. You can help me give foods and clothes. You can help me in any way we can do. With our micro efforts, the less fortune's life will get a macro betterment.  

In celebrating this children's month, we should raise this issues to help and not to celebrate. Children needs care and love from our family and environment. But when this love is being prohibited, then this is the time the laws work. These laws are not made for nothing. Use it and help children get things that are not given by their family.

These law help children in many different aspects of life. Financial, physical or even mentally, With this celebration, let's remind ourselves to protect children in any cost.


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