Knowledge I grasped

 a. What are the learning/ discoveries that I have gained? I think the learnings that I have gained are lessons from the history of computer, blogs, types and kinds of blogs, the engineers and pioneers and life lessons are the ones that I learned from this subject.

b. What are the problems/challenges that I have encountered? The problems that I have encountered are being dumb especially in using computer, being shy in answering and asking questions, having a weak body that prevent me from doing more are some of the problems I encountered

c. How did this address these challenges? this simple drafts makes my burden kind of lighter as I can express my words and problems in anyway I want. I could just tell anything and express anything till I can no longer feel the pain and problems I have. it addresses the issues in a way where it helped me as well.

d. Moving on, I will always carry this knowledges, bury this memories to my soul and brain, and always thankful for everything.

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