While you?

I’d be lying if I say that I’m loud and proud of your achievements since you became our President. I’m disappointed and sad in a way where I can't even explain it. It all started when I saw my grandparents struggle with our farming business during the typhoon Karding. I myself am neither a Leni nor a BBM supporter but I don’t think you're good at your job, but one thing is for sure, you can help us in a way where you can help our country financially. Everytime we have calamities here in the Philippines, you are there to help us, guide us and bring us life. But, is money enough? Is food enough? Is financial help enough? Are all of your efforts enough to satisfy us?

Judging you now may be a ridiculous thing to do but, seeing things getting destroyed, seeing lives get lost, seeing lives getting harder, makes my blood boil. Houses are getting destroyed and getting torn away, and you are still here, making vlogs. Seeing lives getting taken by calamities, while you, our President, having fun outside the country. Seeing our economy falling apart, while you enjoy the luxury of life. Seeing the inflation rate go up and people crawling at their fullest just to get through the day, while you eat with nothing to think about. I know, that you are doing your best in helping and guiding our country, but do these efforts really show you're making efforts? I don’t think so; I think we need more and more from you, I think you should double, triple, or make this effort 10 times more to make us all proud. I know it is hard but it is your responsibility, it is the responsibility you took and work hard for. Being the President of the Philippines is such a hard responsibility to take over with, so if you’re thinking of giving up then I think you just disappointed people who voted for you, people who put their trust and love towards you. You just disappointed the 31 million Filipinos. This is not intended to make you feel down, but it is to inspire you more in working hard for this responsibility.

Filipinos life is getting harder and harder in a span of time. Time is trickling away fast like the gust of wind, swirling around us. You should move quickly, efficiently and effectively. Not on Monday, not on Tuesday, but now. The time to prove that you deserve that position, that you deserve the 31 million votes and trust is now. It is not later but it is now.

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